
SharpPcap Namespace


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Type Description
ARP Resolves MAC addresses from IP addresses using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
CaptureDeviceList List of available capture devices
CaptureEventArgs Capture event arguments
CaptureStoppedEventHandler A delegate for notifying of a capture stopped event
CaptureStoppedEventStatus Status types when capture is stopped
DeviceMode The mode used when opening a device
DeviceNotReadyException A PcapDevice or dumpfile is not ready for capture operations.
ICaptureDevice Interfaces for capture devices
ICaptureStatistics Adapter statistics, received, dropped packet counts etc
InvalidOperationDuringBackgroundCaptureException Thrown when an operation can't be performed because a background capture has been started via PcapDevice.StartCapture()
NotSupportedOnCaptureFileException Thrown when a method not supported on a capture file
PacketArrivalEventHandler A delegate for Packet Arrival events
Pcap Constants and static helper methods
PcapException General Pcap Exception.
PosixTimeval POSIX.4 timeval
RawCapture Represents a raw captured packet
StatisticsException thrown when pcap_stats() reports an error
Version Helper class/method to retrieve the version of the SharpPcap assembly
WinPcapRequiredException Exception thrown when a WinPcap extension method is called from a non-Windows platform